
Our Mission

Dedicated to improving the well-being of older adults in Rockland County through comprehensive and compassionate services geared towards overall well-being. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering independence, dignity, and a sense of belonging.

Our Vision

Fostering optimal health and hell-being for older adults in Rockland County. We provide a community where the health of every older adult is prioritized and supported, and we aspire to create an environment that promotes active aging, preventive care, and holistic well-being.

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Our Main Program in 2024:

An integrated senior community care program designed to attend to early stages (2-4) of dementia.

The Unknown
Treat Dementia

Elevate the quality of care received by living with dementia in our community program.

The Uncertain
Prevent Dementia

Build an insight- and data-based system of treatmentapproaches and strategies.

The Unnoticed
Understand Dementia

Increase research and tie-upswith universities and/or statefor dementia solutions.

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The Challenge

Currently more than 55 million people have dementia worldwide, over 60% of whom live in low-and middle-income countries. Every year, there are nearly 10 million new cases. Dementia results from a variety of diseases and injuries that affect the brain.

– World Health Organization

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Our focus: Stages 2-4

If you have dementia, being diagnosed at an earlier stage gives you a chance to adjust and get things you need, such as: access to support. There is no cure for the diseases causing dementia yet. But there is lots of support that can help you live as well as possible.

– alzheimers.org.uk

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The Inspiration

Simply put, a schema describes patterns of thinking and behavior that people use to interpret the world. Schemas are mental models found in long-term memory. The brain utilizes such models to organize information about the world. Schemas are essentially built from our memories of our unique experiences.

Our Working Best Processs
Join our team and make a difference
our partners

Our team of physical/occupational clinicians have years of experience working with a wide range of orthopedic, neurological, and neuromuscular conditions. We use state-of-the-art equipment to help restore strength, range of motion, and optimal function to patients who have been diagnosed with deficits in the areas where they need it most—whether it be from physical trauma, post-surgery, or illness.